*English version bellow
Grabiti si nepasatori trecem pe langa tot ce se afla in jurul nostru. Milioane de ani au trebuit sa treaca pentru ca piatra sa fie ce este azi. Apa, vant, temperature scazute sau ridicate au contribuit la transformarea unui material eteric in piatra.
Cand fotografiez piesaje formate in majoritate din elemente pietroase simt un imbold de a reda acea imagine in tonuri de alb si negru pentru simplul motiv ca asa simt eu ca pot transmite forta pietrelor. Pietrele sunt ca si copacii: fiecare are forma ei si daca ar putea vorbi ti-ar spune povesti de acum cateva sute de ani, pe vremea cand …
Hasty and careless we pass near everything that is around us. Millions of years had to pass for the stone to be what it is today. Water, wind, low or high temperatures contributed at the transformation of one ethereal material into stone.
When I photograph landscapes that are mainly formed of stone elements I feel an urge to convert it to tones of black and white because this is how I feel that I can show you the force of the stones. Stones are just like trees: everyone is different and if it could talk it would tell you stories that happened hundreds of years ago when …
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